All these pics were taken on random days, so i can't exactly remember which day thou!
iphone custom crack! ha ha ha ha.
bought yogurt while waiting for aunt @ the airport!=)
yumzzzzzzz. i used to hate yogurt so much! but im loving it now!
&there's gna be a new flavour icecream in ICC!
It's strawberry yogurt! It taste so so so great!
thou i only tried it before it was kept into the fridge~
saw this lil sign at the airport's carpark.
so i was asking my relatives why couldn't it be 100 or 150, why must it be 107?
& one passerby answered me, " because of gst........ "
wlao, paiseh lor.......
work work work! =)
kimkai and zhijie came to look for rachel!
I seriously think that ZJ looks like Gerimi!
&this assholeeeeeee, is always as gay as ever.......
the next day after work, andrew, denny and sis came to pick us!
wanted to go for supper but andrew decided to cook for us instead =D
so sweeeeeeet right! =P
two sweet guys (:
im drooling now =(
If only i have a bf who cooks for me! How nice!
random days at work!
we were busy working while rachel sat there snapping pics all the way!:@
JX looked so happy here. LOL. A lil retard thou, bleaaaaah~
haha know what? after work, we were craving for pasta again!
so we went out to buy the ingredients and went back home to cook!!
LOOKS QUITE GOOD RIGHT! Hahahahha, it didn't taste that bad la!
Quite nice actually, hahahah, self-praise :x
hahahaha, still got feel to post! but i wanna shop before i go to work tmr!
so if i continue blogging, i wont be gg shopping tmr...
When are you quitting ICC? Orientation next week already!