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Too afraid to fall.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Flames to dust, Lovers to friends.

I wonder how many of you, are actually still friends with your ex?

(Does it sounds weird using ex? I've no other words to use.
Well, simple and easy, I'll just stick to using ex.)

For my previous r/s, it all ended with quarrels and I've never talked to most of them after we have break up. They didn't talk to me either. Awkward isn't it? Well, does it mean that if we're over, we could no longer be friends? No right? Well, I still hope that we are friends. (: You know I'm referring to you if you're looking at this (yw). I've learned how to accept the fact. " What's yours would be yours, what's not yours will not be yours. " I used to tell my friends this, but I have never used it in reality. I don't believe in that and I would actually find all ways to get it back. I've thought for quite some time, the thoughts of this have been running through my mind. I don't deny that I love you still after we're over, it's pretty obvious I felt. I would usually refresh his twitter and facebook whenever I'm free, whenever I get up from bed. Haha, yes I'm a stalker. Nah, no worries, I only stalk him. I know I'm just seeking trouble for myself, bcuz whenever I see somethings I don't wish to see, it may just ruin my mood for the whole day. Whenever I see some unknown stuffs, I'd get paranoid. He isn't bad afterall, he's nice and he dotes on me. Although his temper is quite bad. He's probably just not the one for me I suppose? Usually whenever I get upset, it's due to some promises or I just dislike somethings he have done. I dislike people to break promises, be it my love ones or friends. And whenever he does that, I get really mad. Throughout this r/s, I don't quite like seeing him enjoy at times, I mean I do get quite mad seeing him enjoy. For example, seeing him enjoying so much with his friends. Yeah, I'm kinda fucked up. I felt that I wasn't able to spend much time with him. He's not to blame for this, I'm to blame too. It takes two hands to clap yeah? &How can I love someone yet I hate it when I see him enjoying? Shouldn't I be feeling happy whenever he's happy? That's when I felt that I couldn't adapt to his life. When we got together not long ago, I thought I could. I could tell how much some of your friends dislike me for the way I've treated you and the way I hurt you but it doesn't affect me. It's just like how some of my friends dislike the way you treat me, it's not about how bad we treat one another. For me, whenever I'm upset, I would usually tell my friends what had happened. And whenever I'm happy, I don't really tell much about it. I felt that it's something to feel in the heart and I don't have to say much right? So, they would usually portray him as a bad guy, and gave me lotsa advice. All in all, I know we're not meant for one another, although I really love you, we're just not right for one another. I know you could definitely find some other girls who are better.

So, I hope we're still friends. (:

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