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Too afraid to fall.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I got into my 5th choice, appeal to TP failed. :(
Well, NYP digital media and design isn't the course I want..
so I'm gonna appeal for the last time tmr.
If not, I'd either choose nafa or prolly retake a few subs.


  1. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs045.snc6/167545_1538970113765_1220250540_31209213_5364465_n.jpg

    Can you share where you bought your shoes?
    Are you selling it? How much? Thanks a lot!!

  2. Hi agatha! I also failed to get into tp aparrel design :( will you join nafa?

  3. - I got it from Bangkok. Hmm, I'm not selling it, sorry! Np :)

    - Hello!:D Ouh, you went for JPSAE too? Yeap! Most prolly(:

  4. hehehe im going to join in nafa fashion design :)

  5. Wont you try lasalle?

  6. how did u attain flat stomach? and where did u pierce your naval piercing? :)

  7. Annoymous - That's cool! Shall see you there if I'm joining too yeah!(Y)

    - Umm, I don't think so.

    - It ain't flat! Serious. Hah, got my piercing done at Queensway shopping centre:)
